
The Femmecard is a literal representation of a commonly used phrase in reference to “irrational” opinions, reactions, and arguments. Deriving from the term “womancard”, the Femmecard aims to create a space and community in which femme identifying folks can express their experiences and more while serving as a symbol against hate, violent gender standards, and male supremacy. Combining the use of print, public space and social media, I aim to question the inappropriate existence of this term as a concept.  The formality of a business card as an object used as a way to provide contact information and reminder is altered not only in purpose but in content.  It could be compared to carrying around a credit card. Taking something primarily used against femme people, and altering it into a satirical tool that can be carried at all times.  Using a social media platform to discuss experience, I ask that each cardholder post online with the hashtag #femmecard as a protest to the belittlement of the femme community.